Workshops are held on topics such as "How do I pick my major?" as well as resume writing, interview skills, and job search techniques. Dates and times for workshops will be announced during the semester. For additional information regarding Career Development Workshops, please contact Tiffany Dowell at 443-674-1472.

Cecil College and Career Planning System - Career Cruising is a career assessment tool that allows you to gain valuable information about various careers and educational opportunities. You can use the system to help pick a major or search for a transfer college. You can also create a resume or get tips on cover letter writing. Contact your advisor to assist you with the system and with your college and career planning needs.

College Central Network - This site is available to students, employers and alumni. Students and alumni may post resumes and search for jobs. Employers may post jobs and search student resumes.

Job Placement - Do you need a job? Do you need help developing a resumé or preparing for an interview? Career Services can help you with all aspects of your job search and help you connect with local employers. Contact the Career Services office to meet with a career advisor at (410) 287-1000.

Career Research - You will need information about various careers in order to make decisions. What majors are required for certain careers? What salary could you expect to make? What is the employment outlook for a specific career or job? Career Services can assist you with finding the answers to your questions.

Individual and Group Career Advising - A career advisor is available to meet with you to discuss and develop your personal career plan.