The Special Collections Room of the Cecil County Cecil College Veterans Memorial Library contains the following:

Titles that focus on the history of Maryland, titles that focus on the history of Cecil County, copies of books that have been signed by the author, if connected to the College or County, scholarly publications by recognized faculty, staff, or administration, and special gifts to the College.  The Maryland Room also contains an archive of materials related to the College community. Please note that the collection is not exhaustive or indexed. Materials are added when available and applicable. Materials available include: College catalogs and schedules, College newspapers and literary magazines, memorabilia (commencement programs, etc., and photos of College buildings and grounds. On occasion, other items deemed of archival interest will be added to the collection, at the discretion of the Library Staff.

Most Special Collection books have been cataloged, and are searchable in the online catalog.   Non-books items are being catalogued and listed in the Archives & Special Collections LibGuide

The photographs in the Bridges of Cecil County collection were taken from original prints belonging to the State Highway Administration.  Permission to use the digitized prints in an online collection for the public was generously granted by Neil J. Pederson, Administrator of the SHA.

The photos in this collection are from slides taken of original prints produced by the Hughes Company, a commercial photography firm then located in Baltimore.  Copy prints, copy negatives and slides have been added to Cecil College’s special collection of historical photographs of Cecil County.  A portion of the prints were exhibited at Cecil College on December 21, 1987 in a well-attended and highly-praised show.  The Project Director for the exhibition was Bill Short with much assistance from Kristi Eisenberg.  Happily, Kristi also was instrumental in making an online collection possible by digitizing all the slides.


The photos are in a format that will accept comment by clicking on the speech balloon at the lower right side of each photo.  We welcome information that will add context to the time and the place depicted in the photo.