Food trucks will be on Cecil College's North East campus for the fall semester. The following schedule is valid August 26 through December 6, 2024.

Day Time Food Truck
Tuesday 8 am – 2 pm Finnegan's Famous1, 2
Wednesday 11 am – 3 pm The Weiner Wagon
Thursday 10 am – 2 pm Guapos Tacos
Friday 11 am – 2 pm Bristow Live Fire3
1  Finnegan's Famous serves breakfast from 8–10:30 am, then transisions to a lunch menu for the remainder of the day.
2  On Tuesday, November 12, Finnegan’s Famous will have both their regular food truck and their funnel cake truck on campus.
3  Bristow Live Fire is currently scheduled to be on campus November 8; additional dates to follow.