Get a Library Card

Bring your Cecil College ID (student, staff, or faculty) to the library circulation desk. A member of the library staff will scan it into the system along with your contact information. A four-digit pin number will be placed on the back of your ID.

Find a Book

Use the online catalog to locate print books, electronic books, and DVDs.  You can search by words or phrase, title, author, subject, or periodical.  You can also search for materials placed on Reserve for your classes.  Electronic books are available to read online, take notes, and print pages.

Find an Article

Journal, magazine and newspaper articles can be located using the databases.  The library subscribes to a variety of databases that cover a wide range of subjects.  In addition to the traditional databases, the library also subscribes to e-references that contain reports, encyclopedia articles, articles from other reference books, videos, maps, images, paintings, and standardized test preparation materials.

Search from Home

The library databases and e-books can be accessed off-campus from anywhere you have an internet connection.  When you click on an individual database, you will be prompted to enter your CLAB username and password.  This is the same as your MyCecil and Blackboard username and password.

Look up an item on Reserve

  • First, navigate to the online catalog.
  • From the left drop down search menu, select: RESERVES.
  • From the right drop down search menu, select All Fields, or Title.
  • Type the Title of your textbook in the search box, and click Enter.
  • Click on your textbook from the list of search results.
  • If the item is on reserve it will have a Location of: Reserve Desk.
  • If an extra copy is available for a take home check-out, it will have a second Location of: General Collection.

Reserve items are kept behind the circulation desk.  Please indicate the item title and course number when checking out a Reserve.

Renew my Books

  • First, navigate to the online catalog
  • At the top of the page, click Log In.
  • Enter your Username (This is usually your Student ID #)
  • Enter your Password (Your 4 digit PIN)
  • Click My Account.
  • Click Checkouts.
  • Select the item(s) you wish to renew.
  • Click Renew.
  • Click Yes when asked to Confirm Renewal.
  • On your checkouts page you should see: Checkout(s) successfully renewed.

Get a book or article from another Library

Books or articles that are not available in our library or in one of our databases can be obtained from other libraries through the Interlibrary Loan program. Please email with as much information about the item as possible.  Please allow at least two weeks for your item to arrive.

Print, Copy and Scan

The library offers the use of a printer/copier/scanner.  All prints and copies are black-and-white only.  Printing, copying and scanning are free at this time.  Color copies can be purchased at the Mail Room on the first floor of the Arts & Sciences building.

Borrow a Movie

The Student Government Association has provided a collection of popular DVD and blu-ray movies that can be checked out by students, faculty and staff.  Up to two movies can be checked out at a time for a 7-day period. This collection of movies can be found in the online catalog.

Reserve a Study Room

You can reserve one of the three rooms located in the back of the library for group work or silent study.

  • A218 This classroom has white boards, 16 computers and an instructor's station hooked up to a projector.
  • A219 The Maryland Room has one large conference table with seating for up to ten, a small white board, and a ClearTouch smart screen.
  • A226 The Privacy Pod has one chair and small table, access to outlets, and is soundproof.

Students can reserve study rooms up to 2 weeks in advance. Please contact the Library front desk to request these rooms.

Request a Research Appointment

You can request an individual research appointment with a librarian.  At this appointment, the librarian can help you find books, articles, and other sources for a research paper or other assignment.  You can also get help with using the library databases and citing your sources.  Simply book an appointment online at or email

Cite Sources

When writing a paper, you will be required to cite your sources both in-text and in a Works Cited or References page at the end of your paper.  Please consult each of your instructors for the preferred format used in your individual courses.  There are four different format styles:

Click on each of the above for helpful resources!

Unsure about how to correctly and legally use materials in projects and presentations? Find out about the Fair Use clause of the Copyright Law from the resources below:

Make a Suggestion

Please email any comments or suggestions you may have about the library or the new Library tab on MyCecil to